विजय नड्डा शिक्षा नीति का स्वागत होना चाहिए – राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति -2020 की घोषणा के अगले दिन 34 समाचार पत्रों के अध्ययन के पश्चात प्रसिद्ध शिक्षाविद श्री अवनीश भटनागर ने कहा कि राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति का देश में प्रारम्भिक…
The 4th Estate
सुखदेव वशिष्ठ परमात्मा के द्वारा भूमि, जल, वायु, जीव-जंतु और वनस्पतियों के रूप में ब्राह्म पर्यावरण और आत्मा के रूप में आंतरिक पर्यावरण दोनो ही बनाए हुए हैं।भूमि, जल, वायु ,वनस्पति और जीव-जंतु के रूप में हमारे सामने उपस्थित प्राकृतिक…
प्रथम इसको बनाने की विधि भगवान विष्णु के शालिग्राम “शिला” पर गर्मी के दिनों में चंदन का लेपन किया जाता है और सर्दी के दिनों में केसर का लेपन किया जाता है और इस लेपन पर तुलसी पत्रों को चढ़ाया…
गूगल और फेसबुक जैसी बड़ी कंपनियों ने आधिकारिक तौर पर घोषणा की है कि उनके कर्मचारी वर्ष 2021 तक घर से काम करेंगे। कंपनी ने घर में वर्क स्पेस डेवलप करने के लिए स्पेशल पैकेज के तौर पर प्रत्येक कर्मचारी…
The issue of network neutrality across the globe has been envisaged based mainly on two approaches viz., economic business regulation models and right based models factoring in the rights of privacy and freedom of expression. Internet has become the undisputed…
अनंत का तत्त्व-प्रश्न है- सृष्टि का रचियता कौन? इस संसार को बनाने वाला कौन है? कौन इसका संचालन करता है और कौन इसकी देखभाल करता है? चूँकि मनुष्य ही सृष्टि की सर्वेश्रेष्ठ रचना है इसलिए इस प्रश्न को उठाने वाला…
The ‘Internet’ has today become an essential part of our lives and revolutionised the way communication and trade take place far beyond the ambit of national and international borders. It has, however, also allowed unscrupulous criminals to misuse the Internet and exploit it for committing numerous cybercrimes pertaining to pornography, gambling, lottery, financial frauds, identity thefts, drug trafficking, and data theft, among others. Cyberspace is under both perceived and real threat from various state and non-state actors. ‘World internet users’ have increased by 826%, from 16 million in 1995 to 3,270 million in the last 15 years, making about 46% of the world population. Internet has emerged as a preferred medium of expression of free speech, conducting trade and business, running daily errands like controlling multipurpose home devices thus generating large volumes of personal data. This data includes names, addresses, mobile numbers, dates of birth, emails, geographic locations, health records like BMI and can aid in various social, political and commercial purposes. This big data, which has been disclosed voluntarily or incidentally through interactive (e.g., Online Surveys) or technological (e.g., Cookies) means has high potential of secondary uses. The protection of privacy and confidentiality of this personal data at residence and in motion within and across the borders is a cause of concern more particularly in modern economies where the data is a treasure- trove for businesses. The current debate in India on “whether privacy (including data privacy) should be a fundamental right or just a right or just a concept purportedly seems to be advanced in the light of privacy law in Europe and US, who have adopted divergent approaches to this issue. However, transposition of these foreign laws to Indian scenario neither takes into account the socio-economic fabric of the country nor its present and future economic interests.
Sukhdev Vashishtha Our society has to face innumerable invasions from the most barbaric races.Even in the dark hour of rule of Aurangzeb ,a great martial saint like Samartha Ramdas was constrained to lament that an incarnation of the Almighty could…
Misappropriation of Assets In this article Sanjeev Gupta explains Misappropriation of Assets as one of the types of Corporate Frauds. ©️ The content of this Article is intellectual property of The 4th Estate and can not be used except…
During the 74th independence day speech, the Prime Minister of India mooted about increasing the minimum marriage age for women which is currently set to 18. While a section of the society supported the move, some did express disappointment with…